Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Online Shop For CBD Products

An Introduction To CBD

One of approximately 70 cannabinoids found in cannabis, CBD (or cannabidiol) is non-toxic and non-intoxicating. Also of great importance, CBD has been shown to be an anti-oxidant, an anxiolytic (to have anti-anxiety effects), an anti-carcinogen (to have anti-cancer effects), an anti-psychotic, an anti-convulsive, an anti-spasmodic, and is also able to reduce seizures and reduce the effects of spasticity.
While CBD is most famous for being a compound found in the cannabis plant, it is also found within the hemp plant. While it must be noted that the hemp plant is a part of the cannabis family, I make the distinction between them because current laws also make that distinction. While hemp is legal in 40 countries (including all 50 states of America) cannabis is illegal in every country of the world except Uruguay.